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First day starting our Youth blended mobility with getting to know each other

Here we come our first day when we start to get know each other and build up our group dynamic. For better to get to know each other we have activity speed dating. How it was going? The first step each of us drown clock, when the clock is ready we start plan our meetings with other participants in each hour with one of the participants. For example me Eva is meeting at 14:00 with Deria, at 18:00 I have meeting with Elīza etc. When our clock is ready each hour we have one person with whom we are planning to meet, each of us write one question what we want to ask when we are meeting person for first time. Than lets start our dates! Lets meet and answer on those questions:

At 10:00 AM - If by magic you could go/move to a place on earth where you would go?

At 11:00 AM - What makes you happy?

At 1:00 PM - What wanted to become when you were a kid?

At 3:00 PM - What you wanna do to be famous?

At 5:00 PM - How was the first time you fell in love?

At 7:00 PM - What is your biggest dream? Etc.

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