
Her An, Her Yerde
Her An, Her Yerde

Her An, Her Yerde
The main goal of the Association is to advocate and protect children’s rights in compliance with the standards and principles of the UN Convention for the Rights of the Child. The Association serves as an intermediary organization between the society (including several actors such as businesses, universities and other non-for-profit organizations) and the children, youngsters and families in need with the aim to facilitate and coordinate the flow of the donations and the human resources (professional and volunteer) between them.

S.S.D. ar.l. L'Orma
The Sport and Social Promotion Association “L’Orma” is a no-profit organization active since more than ten years in the field of physical activity exploited as instrument of communication, relation-ship, fun, learning, growth, knowledge and well-being for young people. The permanent staff is composed by 10 persons that coordinates every year more than 100 educators, developing different initiatives declined in sport, physical and artistic expression (thatre and musical performance ar-rangements) and playful-recreational education activities.

Bulgarian Sports Development Association was founded in 2010 and is a nonprofit public benefit
organization devoted to the development of Bulgarian sport and improving sporting culture in
Bulgaria. Main priorities of BSDA:
• Reviving sport culture;
• Volunteering in sport;
• Education through and in sport;
• Good governance in sport;
• Integration through sport;
• Skills of the future and entrepreneurship.

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Mine Vaganti
Mine Vaganti NGO is a no-profit organisation born in Sardinia in 2009. MVNGO has 4 offices in
Sassari (Youth Center), Uri, Olbia and Tempio Pausania covering all the North of Sardinia with other branches in the rest of Italy.
Mission: MVNGO promotes intercultural dialogue, social inclusion through Sport and environmental protection using Non Formal Education. MVNGO is part of 3 international networks such as YEE, ISCA and MV International. Services: MVNGO is an educational training provider at local and European level and has a consultant role for public and private bodies in order to promote and develop European and transcontinental projects

Sivas Gelisim Genclik ve Spor Kulubu Dernegi
Development Youth And Sports Association is a non-governmental organization, which unites people of different age, social class, nation and interest but with same goal: make the world of 21st century a bit more better and friendlier to its inhabitants. The main activities are: education, democracy, ecology, sports and culture.

Bussiness School PAR
Business school PAR (PAR) is the only business school in Primorje-Gorski Kotar Country (NUTS 3 region) of Croatia accredited by the Ministry of Science and Education. PAR offers bachelor degrees in business management with close entrepreneurial sector collaboration and with about 220 present and 150 alumni students.

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