Enhanced awareness among stakeholders, policy-makers, disabled adults and the public in general about the potential of Education Through Sport to provide an educational answer to the social inclusion and employability needs of disadvantaged disabled adults.
Providing stakeholders and policy-makers with a researched outline of existing educational needs and offers across the varied landscape of partner countries, completed with an assessment of existing gaps and policy insights for improvement. The production of research Reports in multiple language has been ensured by European transferability of results.
Operators working with the target group of the project across multiple sectors (Adult education institutions, NGOs, Sport clubs and associations etc.) have been provided with a tested educational offered to integrate- as a coherent programme or specific activities.
Within their regular offer. At the same time, the wide dissemination of the project and of its results throughout the formal life of the cooperation, has been ensured by the mentioned entities/institutions, aware about project methods and their potential.
Methodological guidance for operators on the implementation of ETS programmes targeted at disadvantaged disabled adults provided to all the potentially interested stakeholder institutions, in the form of a specific Manual.
Consolidate framework of cooperation among partners in the field, leading to the development of further activities based on transnational cooperation on the topic within the field of Erasmus Plus.
Strengthened cooperation with national and European stakeholders, resulted in more ramified networking, greater echange of information and building of partnerships in the field across Europe.

ETS Ability Empowering Format
The first project Output has integrated a cross-country research based on desk analysis and surveying about the educational needs of disabled adults in and through Sport in connection with the identification of existing offer and the analysis of the mismatches resulting from the comparison between the "demand" side represented by learners and the "supply" side provided by established offer/approaches. The dimension of education "in" Sport has concerned with exploring the specific needs/offer/barriers pertaining to inclusion in Sport activities. The complementary dimension of education "through" sport has concerned with exploring the use of Sport as a wider vehicle of education and empowerment by providing learners with soft skills, transversal skills and attitudes fostering personal development, inclusion in society and employability.
Accessible ETS Education Manual
The manual has been being available in multiple languages, English and each language of partner organizations, in physical and digital format. Practical orientation has been provided in the form of guidelines and tools for direct use in the implementation of educational programmes based on ETS methods with an audience of disadvantaged Adult learners affected by physical disability. The manual has been conceived for meeting the needs of practical/methodological orientation of the array of operators directly engaged in working with the ultimate targets of the project (disadvantaged adults affected by disability) across different sectors (Adult education institutions, NGOs, Sport clubs and associations).
The Web Platform has given the architecture of project visibility and e-learning. The platform has included information about the project and the details of the educational format. Specific multilingual digital modules of education based on ETS for self-learning by disabled adults across Europe have been integrated in the Web Platform OERs accessible by users through a simple process of registration.
Accessibility and usability of the Platform and of the modules by the sensitive audience of ultimate users have been ensured through the integration of high-end accessibility features for people with disability.