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MV International

MV INTERNATIONAL is a non profit “association of associations” that intends to carry out social involvement and community building activities for its members and stake holding (third) parties encouraging participation, freedom and dignity of its members. Mine Vaganti NGO, Asociacion Juvenil Intercambia and Cecis are the co-founding organization of the ENGO. In line with these values and objectives, thanks to its role as advisor for public and private bodies – well served by participation to European programmes – the co-founder established a serious network and Youth platform of ENGO partners around Europe. Activities carried out by its professionals, members and volunteers involve ‘joint’: policy studies; thematic research; regional surveys, proposal elaborations, project implementations, network / training events – and more – the ENGO defines European design. MVI works as a global platform, open to stake holding organisations and individuals with special expertise in the fields of Social Entrepreneurship, Non Formal Education and Sustainability. The ENGO is coordinated through its operational offices based in Sassari (Italy) and Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

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Intercambia is a youth organization created by and for young people. Our main activities are based on intercultural learning, by using a non-formal

education and youth program actions in order to encourage the youth participation in the international context, so abolishing the barriers between countries, reducing the racism and promoting the tolerance between different cultures.

Our organization wants to encourage youth initiatives by young people - we support them by providing information, tools, and training to help them get their goals



Since 2011 JuBuK has been running international training courses for youth workers, trainers, facilitators and NGO leaders on the very diverse scope of topics. The experience that the team could gain through organizing these courses is priceless and unique. It enriched the team members and staff, it boosted a lot our creativity and capacity, knowledge and competences in non-formal education and intercultural learning. The quality of the projects is constantly rising in terms of creativity, innovative educational tools, visual facilitation and gamification. JuBUK has the inspiration to share and to learn from the others, to continue creation and to inspire youth workers to make our world better. JuBuk promotes active European citizenship and inclusion. JuBuK deals with human rights education and encourages its members to active participation in the civil society, integration and active European citizenship, gender equality, intercultural and interreligious dialogue.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


©2020 by Cosmic

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