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Project foresees the following event:


- 3 Blended Youth Mobilities (1 per partner country) wherein partners will develop the knowledge, skills and competences of selected youngsters in employing unconventional instruments of Non Formal Education (Storytelling, Art and Sport) as tools for contrasting phenomena of racism and xenophobia among their fellow young people, as well as spreading positive values of inclusion and tolerance.


The participants will be 30 young people aged 18-25 (5 locals and 5 migrants) plus 3 accompanying persons (1 per partner organization). The same participants will take part in all project Blended Youth Mobiities.


The methodology employed will be “storytelling”


Main thematic sessions of the programme include the following:


- Ice-Breaking Games and Teambuilding

- Introduction to Storytelling: Origins, Fields of Applicability and Instruments.

- Understanding the basic structure of narratives: the "Hero's Journey" model.

- Storytelling and contrast to stereotypes and discrimination: anaysing the role of Storytelling in deconstructing discriminatory narratives against migrants and refugees.

- Overcoming stereotypes and discrimonation through Storytelling.

- Storytelling as an instrument of group and identity building: towards an inclusive European citizenship.

- Developing Storytelling tools.

- Establishment of Blog

- Official Closing and Evaluation


Blended Youth Mobility in Italy

The first mobility of the COSMIC project took place from the 17th–25th of August in Cala D'Ambra Camping in San Teodoro, Sardinia Italy.  

The goal of this mobility was to develop participants’ knowledge and skills on how to employ art as a tool of contrasting stereotypes and prejudices and promoting a positive understanding of diversity among the youth. 

Unfortunately because of the Covid-19 situation, the Spanish group couldn’t attend at the very last minute. Even in these peculiar circumstances, the mobility included a multicultural participant group from Germany and Italy. 

The first day, the 17th was Arrivals-day and the 25th Departures-day. All activities and workshops were held in a fantastic location, right next to the camping place near the sea. Every day of activity was open with energizers and ice-breaking game, and closed with evaluation sessions, in which participants could share their impressions and feedback about the activities held. During the mobility, the participants had the chance to enjoy some free time, explore local culture and traditions, have a study visit in San Teodoro, and contribute to a “Clean the beach” activity. 

The trainers used Ice-Breaking games to get to know each other, learn the other names, and implemented team-building exercises. The project “COSMIC” and the partners involved were introduced. An expectation tree, with the participant’s expectations, fears, and contributions toward the project was developed and they were asked to create their own rules for the duration of the mobility and to create a safe and comfortable working atmosphere for everyone. At the end of the day, the participants were introduced to the use of Art in the frame of Non-Formal Education and the role of art as a vehicle of inclusive non-formal education. 

The participants, divided into groups, took part in a brainstorming exercise, where they thought about the different kinds of Art which could be used as vehicles of cultural expression. Participants shared their thoughts with the rest and through this, the understanding of how to exploit this aspect of Art in the context of educational programs targeted at the youth was fostered. The same groups gathered together again and discussed the role of art as a tool of contrasting stereotypes and prejudice among the youth, using as “guide” the following questions: “What do you think are stereotypes and prejudice?”, “Why do stereotypes and prejudice still exist in the societies in the 21st century?” and “How can art be used as a tool of intercultural dialogue to contrast stereotypes and prejudice among the youth?”. Afterward, every group had time to present their results.  

An open space activity was implemented where participants could choose a group to join for discussion and exchange of ideas between three topics: “Artistic expression as the voice of sustainability and eco-change”, “Cinematography as a tool for migrant inclusion” and “Consequences of not including migrants and solutions”.  

A presentation of European good practices in the use of Art as an instrument of contrast to prejudice and discrimination towards migrants and refugees among young people found in each country followed by a discussion about the different methods and how the participants could improve them took place. 

Abilities in employing Art methods as an instrument to fostering the development of inclusion, tolerance, and non-discrimination attitudes at the level of the youth were developed and straighten by working in groups on one of the following fields: theater, music, dance, and visual art. After the group work, the results were presented to others by implementing the planned and imagined activities with them. 

The German and Italian participants had the chance to develop original tools of education through Arts focused on contrasting stereotypes and prejudices at the level of the youth. After brainstorming in groups, they developed ideas and created their workshop with the main goal to fight stereotypes and prejudices through the method of Art and lead to inclusion within the society.  

A “Theater of the Oppressed” session was also implemented, a forum theater against prejudices and stereotypes. Therefore a group of volunteer actors left and prepared a scene on the given topic and the rest did some trust and theater exercises. Afterward, the actor group played their play several times. The first time, as they planned, then the auditory group was allowed to interrupt and to change the play by telling them how to react or what to say. In the end, some actors were exchanged by other volunteers and replayed the scene differently. 

After the theater, there was a long and intensive discussion about stereotypes and prejudices, which some of the participants experienced themselves.   

Within the “COSMICtalks” session, the four pillars of Education has been explored: “Learning to know”, “Learning to do”, “Learning to live together” and “Learning to be”. after the pillar presentation, participants elaborated according to a presentation which also would include a method of Art and include the audience.  

During the project management session, participants in groups created their four-day project with a focus on specifying the aim, topic, target group, program, activities, and countries involved. They also needed to set the financial frame. After developing the projects, the participants presented them and answered questions and comments, taking feedback from the other teams. 

In a creative session, they discussed in pairs, what Art is for them as individuals, picking a card of the game “Dixit”, which should represent their point of view. This way participants would understand that there is an infinite number of different opinions, views, and attitudes. Each one had 1minute to present the card and the reasons behind their decision to their pair. After everyone was paired up and listened to everyone’s mindset explanation, a circle was made and the participants tried to remember each of the cards.  

During the final evaluation of the mobility, several feedback posters we created and filled by all participants and they had the opportunity to reflect on the past week and to summarize the project. They were engaged in a discussion over the quality of the activity and the learning outcomes achieved. In the end, everyone received their Youth Pass certificate.  

During the mobility, the German team had the chance to present their country and to host the first international night. Besides the typical food and drinks, the night included an interesting and funny presentation of the country followed by a quiz, German music was presented as well as a video about German stereotypes. The evening program was the Italian Intercultural night, where the Italian group cooked a delicious typical Italian dinner.  

The blended mobility was received very positively by everyone and the participants are already looking forward to the next implementation. The participants actively discussed, learned, exchanged ideas, and developed on the topic of migration inclusion through Art as a method of Non-Formal Education.  

The next mobilities planned are about Storytelling and Sport as methods of inclusion! 

The photos and videos of our first blended youth mobility that happened in San Teodoro in Sardegna from the 17th to the 25th August 2020 :

Blended Youth Mobility in Germany 

The second mobility of the COSMIC project took place from the 31th July –08th of August 2021 in Velbert, Germany. 

From 31. July till 8th of August 2021 participants from Italy, Spain and Germany came together in Velbert, Germany, to work on the topic of migrant inclusion through the method storytelling.

The goals of the activity were:

  • Developing participants’ knowledges and skills on how to employ Storytelling as a tool of contrasting stereotypes and prejudices, promoting a positive understanding of diversity among the youth.

  • Developing tools of non-formal education based on Storytelling for the phase of local activities.

The activities were:

  • Introduction to Storytelling: Origins, Fields of Applicability and Instruments

  • Understanding the basic structure of narratives: the „Hero’s Journey“ model

  • Storytelling and contrast to stereotypes and discrimination: analysing the role of Storytelling in deconstructing discriminatory narratives against migrants and refugees

  • Overcoming stereotypes and discrimination through Storytelling

  • Storytelling as an instrument of group and identity building: towards an inclusive European citizenship

  • Developing Storytelling tools 


At the first day on the mobility we had Ice-Breaking Games and Teambuilding exercises. Through the Mission (Im-)possible group dynamics was fostered. Also, the stage of mutual knowledge among participants as well as of continued cooperation throughout the learning process was stated. We also had sessions on Erasmus+, Non Formal Education, Youth Pass and the core competences we can gain through this kind of activities.

We heard about best practices in Germany and Spain about how the method of storytelling can be used for migrant integration. 

We had introductions into the topic of Storytelling. After theoretical input on storytelling and digital storytelling, we developed and consolidated the theory together in the group using practical examples. We had also practical exercises and activities on storytelling. One of them was, to write a short story from our lives. Afterwards all papers where collected and we received someone else’s story with a genre category. The participants needed to rewrite and recreate the story according to their genre. It could be romance, horror, sci-fiction, drama or something else. This activity taught us the importance of not losing sight of the intention of the story. The structure and turning point depend on the effect we want to have on the reader and listener.
In partner work we also interviewed each other and wrote a short story on the other person regarding the topic stereotypes, migration, discrimination or other. We added pictures to this and presented it to the others. We’ve learned how Storytelling can be used, from the perspective of young people, as an instrument of building inner strength and overcoming psychological impact of stereotyping and discrimination.

One day we worked on the topic of stereotypes and prejudices. One of the exercises was “The other and me”. This activity was an introduction to the cultural crush, taking into consideration that we come from a cultural reality in which we have an ethnical-centric vision from where we bring judging values as we carry with us pre-mental concepts. The facilitator read a story from the “I-perspective” about an alien and the participants were asked to draw, how the alien might look like. In the end a picture of the I and the alien was shown, the alien in this case was a human being. This exercise was a great introduction to the topic and helped the participants to understand that there can be several different points of view within a culture and that one has to think with empathy. It also helped to understand that there are many different cultures, all of which are unique and valuable and not one is worth more than the other.

Moreover, each of us sees and interprets the culture and everything around us in a different way and in order to understand what the other sees, you have to put yourself in the other’s shoes and look again from their point of view, values, concepts, codes, etc.

We used storytelling as an instrument of group and identity building towards an inclusive European citizenship. Through this we’ve learned how Storytelling narratives can represent a tool for overcoming cultural/religious/ethnic divides and integrate diversity into a shared narrative of European identity.

Also, we had a “Theater of the oppressed” session. In groups the participants developed short plays dealing with problems in the society. It was gender related, migrant discrimination, mobbing and cultural and religious discrimination. They played the scenes and in the second round the audience could interrupted and solve the situation.

Afterwards we discussed with the whole group, what problems we experienced ourselves and how we could solve them.


In addition, we learned about different cultures during the intercultural nights and met new interesting people and made new friends. 

The photos of our second blended youth mobility that happened in Velbert, Germany from f31. July till 8th of August 2021: 


Blended Youth Mobility in Spain

The third Blended Youth Mobility of the COSMIC project took place from the 17th–25th of March in Malaga, Spain. 

10 participants per partner organisaitons, from MV International, Intercmabia and Jubuk,  have attended the “Creating OpportunitieS for Migrant InClusion- COSMIC” project - a KA2 Blended Mobility for young people co-funded by the ErasmusPlus Programme.

During the mobility, the results created were tested and the participants, youth operators, gave feedback for improvements.

The participants were involved in a practical sessions on the use of Sports as an instrument for dispelling the most attitudes against migrants and refugees.

The main goals of the project were reached:

• Developing participants’ knowledges and skills on how to employ Sports as a tool of social inclusion, promoting a positive understanding of diversity among the youth.
• Initiating the process of autonomous reporting of participants’ learning process through the development of Videos
• Developing tools of non-formal education based on Sports

The photos and videos of our third blended youth mobility that happened in Malaga, Spain from the 17th to the 25th March 2022 :


Dissemination Conferences


Dissemination Conference in Germany


Dissemination Conference in Spain

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


©2020 by Cosmic

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